Was it Fate? A Flanagin Fairy Story


We had just attended an event as the Flanagin Fairies, while driving home we noticed the gas tank was dangerously low, so an unscheduled stop at the nearest gas station was a must. It was definitely a sight you don’t see every day, a Fairy in all her finest pumping gas.

What happened next makes the time and preparation invested in being a Fairy, all worth while.

A fellow customer took a double-take at the strange site of a fully costumed Fairy pumping gas and began to strike up a conversation. He asked what we were doing, one thing led to another and he asked to take our picture with his little boy, who was still in the car. Fairies love pictures, so we began to pose in all our Fairy loveliness. We gave his 4-year-old son autographed photos and the dad thanked us for being so nice to his family. And then it happened….

He began to explain that they were on their way to the cemetery to visit the grave of their newborn twin and that his son was not feeling good about it. He thanked us for bringing the needed distraction for his son at such a sad time. Holding back the tears, we waved goodbye as they drove off.

Was it fate that brought us to this particular gas station on this particular day and time?

We think so.

Lesson: You never know when life will deliver an opportunity to make a difference.

Have a wonder-filled day,

Donna Flanagin

Random me: I’m 1/2 German and 1/2 Swedish.

The magic and enthusiasm of the Disney Institute workshop is over, now what? This blog is about exactly that,  for a small bulk mail business in Indiana.

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11 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. It was a moment I will never forget as I am standing there in my fairy costume talking to the woman who just lost one of her twin babies. I think Crystal SNowflake was there to cheer up the little boy and I was there to connect w/ the mother – I thought I was going to lose Carly at one point after she was born – I could feel that connection w/ that mother.

  2. My jaw dropped as I read this story.

    So thankful that you were able to be there.


    • Craig, it was incredible. There was one more thing that happened that day that I may blog about too. Not quite was meaningful, but equally joyful.

  3. Donna, it seems we should be ready at any moment to make someone’s life a little brighter, a little better.

  4. You were right Donna. That was a wonderful story. It’s funny how life works sometimes, bring certain people together in certain places at just the right time.

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